#1 Best Seller in Children's Inventors Books for Amazon.com
"Some of the most exciting illustrations you see this year might be in tiny, easy-to-overlook Little Golden Books. We saw Sue Fliess’ Robots, Robots Everywhere!, illustrated by the one and only Bob Staake--a book well-worth your time."—Kirkus Reviews
"Little Golden Books are beloved as timeless classics for good reason. Even their most basic toddler books are full of joy and stand up to endless readings. Sue Fliess's "Robots, Robots Everywhere" (2013) is no exception. I'm a huge fan of Bob Staake's retro-modern graphic style, and it translates beautifully to the robot theme of this board book! With silly humour and spare text, your youngest kids will love these colourful robots and the visual cleverness of their little vignettes." @noodlenutskidsbooks
"From up in space to below the sea, robots are everywhere. These are vacuum cleaning, donut making, cow-milking robots! “Robots weld and paint and blast. Robots build cars really fast! Working robots drill and grind. Rescue robots seek and find.” A quick rhyming read with fun illustrations that shows how robots are literally used for everything." @booksbindus
Robots, Robots Everywhere!
by Sue Fliess
illustrated by Bob Staake
an imprint of
Random House Children's Books
ISBN-10: 0449810798
ISBN-13: 978-0449810798

Included in a book set on The Today Show in Jill's Steals and Deals!
On the ground and in the air, Robots, robots everywhere!
Up in space, beneath the seas, Robots make discoveries . . .
So begins this rollicking Little Golden Book featuring robots of all kinds, from ones up in space to the ones we use at home. With bold, colorful artwork by award-winner Bob Staake, it's a perfect introduction to the fascinating subject of today's real robots!